Rebranding Requires Stamina
Choosing to rebrand your company or organization in a momentous decision, one that is made more comfortable with the successful completion of a rebranding business case. But despite the facts showing that rebranding is the right propellant for your business success or necessary to put heavy baggage behind you, it is important to anticipate the hurdles that you'll face in the process. Our research among recently rebranded companies shows the greatest obstacles to be (in order):
Engaging the necessary departments internally
Creating culture change to fulfill new brand promise
Engaging employees behind new brand
Organizations reported that the biggest challenge to rebranding is achieving internal alignment around the new brand platform, which is no surprise when change management and training were not as rigorously embraced as the controllable external marketing tactics like selecting a new name or visual identity. You build a new brand from the inside out. We always encourage clients to prioritize change management and internal alignment efforts into their rebranding programs to make the behavioral changes necessary to deliver the new brand promise.
With the average rebranding process taking 12-18 months it's important your team bring proper planning, engaged leadership, and a strong does of stamina to successfully cross the finish line. Keep your eye on the prize, a new forward-facing brand full of amazing potential.