Rebranding News is Here
Our October issue of Rebranding News is here. Read the full issue here.
A Brand Refresh, Repositioning or Rebrand.
What Are The Differences?
The term “rebranding” is thrown around a lot these days as companies try to recast their identity to fuel future growth. We see 10 to 12 public press announcements each week of a company or organization rebranding by introducing a name change, a new logo or graphic identity. But there are several different interpretations of rebranding that one can take to renew their market position and company mojo. So it is important to know if you are refreshing or repositioning your brand or entirely rebranding.
At Rebranding Experts we believe true rebranding is the deliberate and systematic process of creating an inspired, forward-facing organization ready to grasp opportunity through the alignment and dynamic portrayal of your unique differentiators to customers. It is all-encompassing, transformative process to better position the organization for success. That’s because your brand should be the heart and soul of your organization. It’s the collection of experiences and the presentation of your promise to customers. It’s what they trust you to always deliver. And increasingly consumers own the dialogue regarding your brand in their online digital interactions. So true rebranding is to update or evolve your core customer promise, to make it more future focused and aspirational.
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